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We built a wet robotic paint shop for a German vacuum pump manufacturer. An interesting solution is the hanging of products located directly on the production site using liftstationt. This saves time for the operator as the products do not need to be transported to a special hanging point.
Customer | Busch Výroba CZ s.r.o. |
Year of Realization | 2021 |
Location | Liberec (CZ) |
Industry | Vacuum Pump Manufacturer |
Technology |
After hanging up on lifting equipment, the product is transferred by a cart on the Power & Free overhead conveyor and it passes over the forklift truck and pedestrian corridor, it enters the hall with paint shop through a construction throughput. Further it continues with the product to the chamber for control of pump surface using UV radiation.
Wet paint is applied in the painting booth with two painting robots. The first robot paints the first half of the product, the second robot paints its second half. For correct paint-drying the zone to eliminate volatility follows and subsequently there is the drying chamber. Free drying of parts and visual check of products occur behind the drying chamber. Compliant products are unmasked and sent for taking down. Non-compliant products can be sent to the painting booth again through bypass or they can be taken down and corrected manually in the booth.
Show more information - Coating facilities
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